Dr. Lina Aryati, M.S.
Associate Professor | Staff Handbook
- Office Address : Sekip Utara Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281
- Email : lina@ugm.ac.id
- Link acadstaff : https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/lina
Dr. Lina Aryati is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Universitas Gadjah Mada and is currently Head of the Applied Research Group in the Department of Mathematics.
Research interests
Her interests include the field of perturbation theory, biomathematics, and differential equations. Her current research interest is cancer modeling. The present focus is on the modeling of cervical cancer using a system of partial differential equations and then analysis.
Ph.D. student
- Nikenasih Binatari (2020- now) (Co-Supervision and Co-Promotor)
Topic: Multiple Time Scales Method for a bifurcation in a delayed Differential Equation
- Eminugroho Ratna Sari (2019-now) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Analysis of an Age Structured Model of Cervical Cancer at the Cellular Level
- Fitriana Yuli Saptaningtyas (2019-now) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Spatial-Temporal Model of Interaction between the Immune System and Cancer Cells with Immunotherapy in Cervical Cancer
- Sutrima (2016-2019) (Co-Supervision and Co-Promotor)
Topic: Strongly continuous quasi semigroups and Non-autonomous linear control Systems.
- Yudi Ari Adi (2014 – 2020) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Mathematical Modeling of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
- Sugiyanto (2013 – 2018) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Mathematical Modeling of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.
- Tri Sri Noor Asih (2011-2015) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Mathematical Modeling of HPV Infection in Cellular Level.
- Susilo Hariyanto (2008-2015) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Generalization of Degenerate Abstract Cauchy Problem)
- Eti Dwi Wiraningsih (2007-2015) (Co-Supervision and Co-Promotor)
Topic: Stability analysis of the spread of rabies disease model
- Sumardi (2005-2012) (Co-Supervision and Co-Promotor)
Topic: Two-channel dissipation model
Master student
- Nur Wahidiyatil Jannah (2021-Now) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: social behavior modeling
- Faizah Az Zahra (2021-now) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Modelling of Framboise
- Ceriawan Hadi Santoso (2019-2022) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Existence and uniqueness of the mild solution of Stochastic impulsive differential equation
- Ismiatul Khusna (2018-2021) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: mathematical modeling for the spread of Coronavirus disease (covid-19) by isolation
- Binatari, N., Adi-Kusumo, F., Aryati, L., Stability Regions and Bifurcation Analysis of a Delayed Predator-Prey Model Caused from Gestation Period, International Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 2022, Article ID 3711158, 10 pages.
- Sari, E.R., Adi-Kusumo, F., Aryati, L., Mathematical analysis of a SIPC age-structured model of cervical cancer, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(6), pp. 6013–6039.
- Sulasri Suddin, Fajar Adi-Kusumo, Lina Aryati, Gunardi, Reaction-Diffusion on a Spatial Mathematical Model of Cancer Immunotherapy with Effector Cells and IL-2 Compounds’ Interactions, International Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 2021, Article ID 5535447, 10 pages.
- Sutrima, Christiana Rini Indrati, Lina Aryati, Strongly continuous quasi semigroups in optimal control problems for non-autonomous systems, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 14, No. 7 (2021) 2150123 (13 pages)
She (co-)authored around 25 journal articles and more than 5 refereed contributions to proceedings or book chapters; see also her Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=xg4BN7kAAAAJ&hl=id) and Scopus (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55655560600) pages for further information.