Dewi Kartika Sari, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | Staff Handbook
- Office Address : Sekip Utara Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281
- Email : dewiks@ugm.ac.id
- Link acadstaff : https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/dewiks
Dewi Kartika Sari is an assistant professor in the Mathematics Department at the Universitas Gadjah Mada. She is a member of the Laboratory of Analysis. Her expertise is in the general topology and real analysis. She received her BSc and MSc degrees in mathematics from Universitas Gadjah Mada and PhD from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).
Research interests
Current research interest includes general topology and real analysis (generalized Riemann Integral, Baire class one functions). Present focus is on topological properties and functions defined by means of neighbourhood assignments.
PhD student
- Yunita Septriana Anwar (2020-now) (Co-supervision and co promotor)
Topic: Modul M-Injektif Topologis
Master student
- Rifdah Abid Aadilah (2020-) (supervision and promotor)
Topic: Equi-Baire one functions
(1) D. K. Sari And D. Zhao, A New Cardinality On Topological Spaces, Applied General Topology, 18(1), 2017.
(2) D. K. Sari, P. Y. Lee And D. Zhao, A New Topology On The Space Of Primitives Of Henstock-Kurzweil Integrable Functions, Southeast Asian Bulletin Of Mathematics, 42(5), 2018.
(3) Yunita S. A. , Indah E. W., Budi S., Dewi K.S., Pullback dan Pushout di Kategori Modul Topologis, Jurnal Matematika Integratif, Vol. 18 (1), 2022.