The Doctoral Program in Mathematics was established in 1993 based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 580 / DIKTI / Kep / 1993, with the objective of assisting the government in developing education and research in the field of mathematics through the development of doctor-qualified human resources. The implementation of educational and research program at S3 Mathematics Study Program of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is supported by 6 (6) Laboratories or Group of Expertise, ie Algebra Laboratory, Analytical Laboratory, Applied Mathematics Laboratory, Statistics Laboratory, Mathematics Computation Laboratory, and Laboratory of Statistics Computation and has 6 (six) courses of interest or concentration. Supported by 28 lecturers, the Doctoral Program in Mathematics of UGM manages and educates 30 to 60 students in each year (student body).
As all parties believe, the quality of education certainly depends not only on the formal class but also on the academic atmosphere and the good interaction between students, lecturers, and other academic communities. Considering that, Doctoral Program in Mathematics of UGM strives to make the best possible of the situation.