Closed Examination for Mathematics Doctoral Program Students in the name of Sugiyanto which was held on Freday August 9, 2019.
Title dissertation Modeling Mathematics Carcinoma Nasopharynx at the Cellular Level with supervisor Dr. rer. nat . Lina Aryati , MS, Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo , M.Sc. and dr. Mardiah Holy Hardianti , Ph.D., Sp.PD -KHOM.(FKKMK UGM)
Exam Closed held in the Meeting Room of the KPTU FMIPA UGM Building ( 2nd floor ) . during not enough more 2.5 hours with Chair of the Examining Team : Prof. Dr. Triyono, SU and 6 members of the Examining Team namely : Promoter Team, Prof. Dr. Widodo, MS, Prof. Dr. Salmah, M.Sc. , Dr. Nanang Susyanto , M.Sc., Dr. Irwan Indrayanto A, M.Sc. and examiners from outside Faculty Mathematics and Science UI Natural Sciences Dr. Hengki Tasman.