Statistical Computation Colloquium, 14 June 2021

On June 14, 2021, the Department of Mathematics UGM held a Statistical Computation Colloquium which was conducted virtually via zoom. The colloquium was initiated by Prof. Dr. Dedi Rosadi, M.Sc., the head of statistical computing laboratory. There are two speakers in this colloquium who were alumni of the UGM Statistics Study Program, namely Adipuja Rahmadinata, S.Si. (Statistics 2006) and Tio Anta Wibawa, S.Si. (Statistics 2008). Adipuja Rahmadinata, S.Si. is currently the chief administrative officer at PT. Supervisor, while Tio Anta Wibawa, S.Si. is currently a data scientist at Bank Rakyat Indonesia.

The first session of the colloquium was given by Adipuja Rahmadinata, S.Si. who discussed about “Improving Research Capability in the Field of  Statistical Computation in the Industrial World”. In his presentation, he explained how important soft skills are in the world of work and what types of soft skills are needed in this current era, especially those related to data. In addition, he also gave some tips in preparing to enter the world of work. The second session was then provided by a presentation from Tio Anta Wibawa, S.Si. who discussed the application of data science in the industrial world, especially in banking. He explained the importance of big data analysis in the banking world so that talents who have good skills in big data analysis are needed in today’s era.

The colloquium, which took place from 09:00 WIB to 11:30 WIB, went smoothly in general. A total of 90 participants consisting of 15 lecturers and 75 students were present to listen to the presentations delivered by the two alumni. Inviting alumni as speakers in colloquial activities is an effort made to support the program from the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program. Besides that, it is also very useful for students because it can provide an overview of the world of work and industry.

Alumni’s willingness to participate in this activity is also something that should not be missed and should be appreciated. This is in line with what was explained by the Secretary of the Department, Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., by quoting a quote from Narayana Murthy, that nobody is bothered about an institution more than its alumni. Hopefully, by improving communication and discussion with alumni, there will be more collaboration between mathematics and industry.

The colloquium recording can be accessed via YouTube channel: Math UGM.