Restu Ananda Putra

Restu Ananda Putra, S.Si., M.Aktr.

– | Staff Handbook 

  • Office Address : Sekip Utara Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281
  • Email :
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Restu Ananda Putra (1997) is a Fulltime lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at University Gadjah Mada since 2023. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Universitas Hasanuddin in 2019 with specialization in Applied Mathematics. He graduated with his master's degree in Actuarial Science from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2022. His research interest lie in Islamic insurance and machine learning application in actuarial science.


  • Undergraduate: –
  • Master : –
  • Doctoral : –

