UGM Mathematics Department Team Enhances Competence of High School Mathematics Teachers

The UGM Mathematics Department organized a Community Service activity aimed at enhancing the competence of high school mathematics teachers in the former Residency of Madiun and Ponorogo. A series of technical guidance, training, and ongoing collaboration took place on October 19, October 26, November 4, and November 9, 2023. The main event on Thursday, November 10, 2023, occurred at the 7th-floor Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. 

The Secretary of the UGM Mathematics Department, Dr. Noorma Yulia Megawati, delivered the opening remarks, expressing confidence that such collaboration would bring about mathematical development, new inspiration, and a deep understanding to improve the quality of mathematical education. The subsequent address was given by Mr. Sugiyono, M.Pd, Chairman of the Mathematics Teachers’ Working Group (MGMP) in Ponorogo. He expressed hope that this collaboration would not only run smoothly this year but also in the years to come. 

The program continued with presentations from various speakers, including Prof. Dr. Salmah, M.Si., who discussed Optimization Theory, Game Theory, and Control Theory, and Zenith Purisha, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., who explained the role and application of mathematics in medical imaging. A sharing session by Prof. Dr. Ch. Rini Indrati, M.Si., and Iwan Ernanto, S.Si., M.Sc., about Mathematics Olympiads became a crucial moment in this event. They shared experiences about managing and fostering mathematics Olympiads, with the hope of motivating teachers to actively participate in fostering student Olympiads. 

The activity concluded with the exchange of mementos between the UGM Mathematics Department and MGMP Ponorogo. Hopefully, in the future, similar activities can continue to support the development of mathematics education in Indonesia. 

Author: Kadek Wahyu Medalika Manik Segara