UGM Mathematics Department Students Clinch Victory in Mathematics ITS Calculus Competition 7.0  

A remarkable success story unfolded as students from the UGM Mathematics Department shone brightly at the “Mathematics ITS Calculus Competition 7.0,” organized by the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS Surabaya). The final stage of the competition took place in person at the ITS Mathematics Department on Sunday, October 15, 2023. 

In this competition, which saw participation from various universities across Indonesia, students from the UGM Mathematics Department showcased their excellence and secured top positions in several categories. 

The first-place title was claimed by Fahreezan Sheraz Diyaldin (Mathematics 2020) and Orlando Ferrari (Mathematics 2021). Equally impressive was Muhammad Fatkhurrohman (Mathematics 2021), who clinched the third-place position. The honors didn’t end there. Akbar Adi Nugroho (Mathematics 2019) and William Kosasih (Mathematics 2020) earned the title of “Harapan 2” (Second Honorable Mention) in the competition. 

This victory is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and deep understanding of mathematics by the students of the UGM Mathematics Department. They have demonstrated that a strong grasp of mathematics and solid teamwork are the keys to success in national-level competitions. May this success inspire other students to continue honing their mathematical skills and achieving success in the future. 


Author: Kadek Wahyu Medalika Manik Segara