Exploring Coding Theory through the Reading Group at the Center for Cryptography and Cybersecurity Studies

Yogyakarta, May 24, 2024. The Center for Cryptography and Cybersecurity Studies (C3R) at FMIPA UGM consistently holds reading groups to discuss the latest topics in cryptography, coding theory, and cybersecurity. In April and May, the primary focus of the discussions has been coding theory.

After several sessions presented by Dewi Setyaningsih, a master’s student in Mathematics at UGM, covering the basics of coding theory, participants could refresh their knowledge of the mathematical structures used in coding theory. The discussions then progressed to more advanced topics in coding theory.

On Friday, May 17, 2024, at 8:00 AM WIB, the discussion was led by Benediktus Panji Pradipta, an alumnus of the Mathematics master’s program at UGM, with the topic “Properties of Self-Dual Reversible Codes over GF(4) in Construction and Code.” Self-dual codes are a type of linear code with the unique property that every element in the code is its own dual, meaning the inner product of an element with itself is zero. This property is very useful in cryptography due to its symmetry and ability to detect and correct errors.

In the construction of codes using GF(4), self-dual reversible codes play a significant role. Besides being self-dual, these codes are also reversible, meaning they can be decomposed back into their original form. This is highly beneficial in cryptography and data communication applications, where data integrity and security are crucial. By utilizing self-dual reversible codes over GF(4), we can create more reliable and secure systems. Practical applications include interference-resistant communication systems, secure data storage, and robust cryptographic algorithm implementations.

Most recently, on Friday, May 24, 2024, at 9:00 AM WIB, the discussion was led by Purnama Sari, a master’s student in Mathematics at UGM, with the topic “Recursive Decoding Algorithms for Reed-Muller Codes.” Reed-Muller codes are a type of error-correcting code that is highly efficient and commonly used in digital communication systems. These codes are known for their simple structure and ability to correct various types of errors, making them very useful in various technological applications.

Decoding is the process of determining the original message from the received code, which may have been distorted by errors during transmission. Recursive decoding algorithms are approaches used to decode Reed-Muller codes back into their original form. These algorithms take advantage of the recursive nature of Reed-Muller codes to gradually correct errors, breaking down complex codes into simpler components.

The use of recursive decoding algorithms for Reed-Muller codes offers many benefits, including high efficiency as they can quickly correct a large number of errors. Another advantage is flexibility, as these algorithms can be applied in various applications, from satellite communication to digital data storage. Additionally, these algorithms enhance the reliability of communication systems by minimizing errors.

The Center for Cryptography and Cybersecurity Studies (C3R) at FMIPA UGM plans to continue organizing similar activities, focusing on topics related to cryptography and cybersecurity, to enrich the knowledge and skills of its members in these fields. We invite all students, academics, and professionals interested in cryptography to participate and contribute to in-depth discussions on current cryptography topics. These activities aim to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 9, related to Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and number 11, focusing on Sustainable Cities and Communities.


The Center for Cryptography and Cybersecurity Researches (C3R) at FMIPA UGM is a research institution under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). C3R is committed to enhancing understanding and security in cryptography and cybersecurity through research, training, and innovation development.

Media Contact:

Name: Prof. Dr. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, M.Si.


Email: ind_wijayanti@ugm.ac.id


Keywords: Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Coding Theory

Author: Uha Isnaini

Editor: Endang Sulastri

Photographer: Activity Recordings