Expert Lecture: Mastering Problem Solving Strategies and Developing Writing Skills by Prof. Ioana Mihaila at UGM

The Department of Mathematics at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) hosted an Expert Lecture themed “Mastering Problem Solving Strategies and Developing Writing Skills” delivered by Prof. Ioana Mihaila from California State Polytechnic University Pomona on  June,12 2024. The event took place in Meeting Room 1, 3rd Floor of the Department of Mathematics, UGM, and was attended by undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students as well as faculty members from the Department of Mathematics.

The event, which started at 9:30 AM WIB, was opened with remarks from the Head of the Analysis Laboratory, Dr. Atok Zulijanto, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. In his speech, Dr. Atok emphasized the importance of mastering problem-solving strategies and writing skills for students and faculty to enhance academic and research quality. He also highlighted that this activity is expected to provide new insights and inspiration for participants in overcoming various academic and professional challenges. This event supports SDG 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Following the opening remarks from the Head of the Analysis Laboratory, the main session began with a presentation by Prof. Ioana Mihaila. In her guest lecture, Prof. Ioana discussed various effective problem-solving strategies that can be applied in the field of mathematics. She also highlighted the importance of good writing skills as an essential tool for scientific communication. Prof. Ioana provided practical tips for developing writing skills, including techniques for clear and persuasive writing, as well as how to construct logical and coherent arguments.

Prof. Ioana, known for her contributions in the fields of mathematical analysis and education, gave concrete examples of mathematical writing that are often misunderstood. Participants were invited to interact and discuss the challenges they face in writing for research and mathematical exercises, as well as how to apply the discussed strategies to overcome these obstacles.

The event was moderated by Made Tantrawan, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D, who also offered insights and added local perspectives in the context of learning and research in Indonesia. The discussion was interactive and enthusiastic, with many questions and responses from the participants.

In addition to gaining knowledge from the presentation, participants were also given the opportunity to engage directly with Prof. Ioana in a warm and enthusiastic Q&A session. Many participants felt inspired and motivated to further develop their problem-solving and writing skills.

The Expert Lecture event was closed by the moderator, who expressed gratitude to Prof. Ioana as a token of appreciation for her willingness to share her knowledge and experience with the UGM academic community. With the conclusion of this event, it is hoped that the attending students and faculty can implement the knowledge gained in their academic activities, thereby continuously improving the quality and productivity in their respective fields.


Keywords: Education, Writing, Research

Author: Endang Sulastri

Photo: Gina Hafidah Muna