Work Visit of the Master’s Program in Statistics at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) for the Master by Research Program at the Master’s Program in Mathematics FMIPA UGM

On June 20, 2024, a delegation from the Master’s Program in Statistics at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) conducted a work visit to the Master’s Program in Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). This visit aimed to develop academic programs, particularly the Master by Research Program, which is being designed by the Master’s Program in Statistics at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII).

The UII delegation was led by Rohmatul Fajriyah, Dr.techn., S.Si., M.Si., accompanied by several lecturers and master’s students such as Ghiffari Ahnaf Danarwindu, M.Sc., Purnama Akbar, S.Stat., M.Si., and Teguh Dwi Prayogo, S.T. According to Dr.techn. Fajriyah, S.Si., M.Si., “This visit is the first step for the Master’s Program in Statistics at UII to ‘ngangsu kawruh‘ (a Javanese term for learning) from the Master’s Program in Mathematics at FMIPA UGM, which already has academic experience in managing students by research.”

Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U., Head of the Master’s Program in Mathematics FMIPA UGM, accompanied by Dr. Noorma Yulia Megawati, M.Sc., M.Act.Sc. (Secretary of the Department of Mathematics), Dr. Indarsih, M.Si. (Deputy Head of the Master’s Program in Mathematics), and Wira Kurniawan, S.E. (Administrator of the Master’s Program in Mathematics), warmly welcomed the work visit.

The UII delegation was very enthusiastic about learning about the curriculum of the Master’s Program in Mathematics, teaching methods, and the excellent programs implemented at UGM, particularly those related to the Master by Research Program. This reflects a contribution to supporting SDG goals 4 and 17, which aim to improve the quality of higher education through collaboration and knowledge exchange, as well as strengthen partnerships between educational institutions to achieve better educational goals.

Through this event, it is expected to help Universitas Islam Indonesia’s Master of Statistics program successfully accomplish its desired result of welcoming new students, particularly for the Master by Research Program. The work visit concluded with an exchange of souvenir gifts.

Keywords: Work visit, Master by Research Program, Academic
Author : Wira Kurniawan
Editor : Sania Rizka Ramadhani