Department of Mathematics FMIPA UGM Holds Expert Talk “On Some Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability Issues in Insurance”

Yogyakarta, July 26, 2024 – The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), held an Expert Talk titled “On Some Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability Issues in Insurance” on July 26, 2024. The event took place in the Meeting Room on the 3rd floor of the Department of Mathematics and was conducted in a hybrid format via Zoom.

The material for this event was presented by Prof. Stephane Loisel, an expert from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (Cnam), Paris, France. Prof. Loisel is a specialist in actuarial science with extensive research on the impact of climate change on the insurance industry and the sustainability issues it faces.

In his presentation, Prof. Loisel introduced models of the impact of climate change on health and mortality insurance. He explained various phenomena such as extreme heat waves, diseases transmitted by insect bites or other animals, and pollution. Additionally, Prof. Loisel discussed the role of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) in supervising the insurance industry in France, as well as the concepts of drift and valade in an actuarial context. His research and insights contribute directly to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).

Prof. Loisel also highlighted how insurance products can support the economy in achieving sustainable development goals. He detailed the framework around the UN Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing the importance of providing transparency to investors, customers, and regulators.

The event was moderated by Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, M.Sc., Ph.D., a lecturer from the Department of Mathematics at UGM with expertise in actuarial science. He facilitated an interactive and in-depth discussion between Prof. Loisel and the participants, both those attending in person and those joining online. This discussion also touched on aspects of SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) by exploring how insurance that considers sustainability issues can help build more resilient communities in the face of disasters and environmental changes.

This Expert Talk attracted many participants, including academics, students, and practitioners in the fields of insurance and actuarial science. Through this event, it is hoped that participants gained new insights into how climate change can affect the insurance industry and the importance of considering sustainability issues in decision-making in this sector. The involvement of various parties in this discussion highlights the importance of partnerships (SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals) in achieving sustainable development goals.

The Department of Mathematics FMIPA UGM remains committed to organizing academic events that are beneficial and can positively contribute to the development of knowledge, particularly in mathematics and its applications.


Keywords: Climate Change, Sustainability, Insurance

Author: Endang Sulastri

Photo: Endang Sulastri