Collaboration Among the Academic Community of the Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UGM, through the Mathematics Postgraduate Student Association (HIMPASTIKA), held the “Ajang Kenalan dan Silaturahmi Orang Matematika” (AKSIOMA) event in Meeting Room 1, 3rd Floor of the Department of Mathematics building. The event, which took place on September 7, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, aimed to introduce and foster closeness among students of the Master of Mathematics Program at FMIPA UGM. Additionally, the event introduced activities related to lectures, particularly in the areas of study interests, as well as a sharing session from alumni of the Master of Mathematics program. The event was attended by new students from the 2024 cohort, Program Managers of the Master of Mathematics Program, HIMPASTIKA board members, and several alumni who joined online.

The event began with the singing of Indonesia Raya and the UGM Hymn, led by Erlangga Adinugroho Rohi. This was followed by remarks from Dr. Indarsih, M.Si., the Secretary of the Master of Mathematics Program, who officially opened the 2024 AKSIOMA event. She emphasized the importance of building communication and good relationships with students and the academic network, particularly within the Department of Mathematics. “We are not just talking about mathematics here, but also about building networks, supporting each other in both academic and non-academic achievements,” she explained.

This event aligns with SDG 4: Quality Education, as it highlights the importance of education quality, networking, and collaboration within the academic environment, supporting the students’ development in both academic and non-academic aspects.
Mawar Idah Shonia, a representative from HIMPASTIKA, in her speech, explained the significance of the active participation of Master of Mathematics students in both academic and non-academic activities during their studies. Student involvement is crucial in advancing the achievements of the study program and the Department of Mathematics.

The event, moderated by Leniy Eka Watiy, continued with an alumni sharing session. The first session covered the Algebra specialization, presented by Dr. Mu’amar Musa Nurwigantara, S.Si., a faculty member at the Department of Mathematics and an alumnus of the Master of Mathematics program who graduated through the PMDSU track. The next session discussed the Statistics specialization with Mrs. Lydia Mulyatri, S.Psi.

One of the alumni from the Analysis specialization, Juanda Kelana Putra, S.Pd., M.Sc., a lecturer in Mathematics Education at UIN Walisongo Semarang, also joined the event online. He is currently pursuing a Doctoral program at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. During his time as a Master of Mathematics student, he was actively involved as the President of HIMPASTIKA for the 2013 cohort. The event also featured First Lieutenant Ctp Iwan Senopsa Panuturi Tambunan, S.Pd., M.Sc., from the Applied Mathematics specialization, who is currently serving as an officer in the Indonesian Army.

The alumni shared their experiences during their studies in the Master of Mathematics Program and provided tips and motivation to the new students. The event also included a brief discussion on academic and non-academic activities planned by the Mathematics Student Association (HIMPASTIKA) for the upcoming year.

Through events like this, it is hoped that better collaboration and teamwork will be established within the Department of Mathematics, supporting academic success and strengthening camaraderie in the future. This aligns with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, as it promotes collaboration and synergy among various parties to achieve shared goals, including academic success and student development.


Keywords: AKSIOMA, Collaboration, Alumni

Author: Wira Kurniawan

Editor: Endang Sulastri