Algebra Guest Lecture Series #2: Properties of Derivations and Invariance in Rings and the Application of Error Correcting Codes in DNA Coding

Yogyakarta, July 12, 2024 – The Algebra Guest Lecture Series #2 was successfully held on Friday, July 12, 2024. The event took place from 08:00 to 11:30 in Meeting Room 1, Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UGM, 3rd floor. Organized by the Algebra Laboratory, Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UGM, this hybrid event was conducted both in-person and via Zoom.

This session was special as it featured two distinguished international speakers. The first speaker, Prof. Shakir Ali from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, presented on the topic “Derivations and Invariance Property in Rings.” In his presentation, Prof. Ali explained the concept of derivations in algebra and how invariance properties play a role in ring theory, capturing the keen interest of the participants. One highlighted aspect was the concept of derivations in C* Algebra. He explained that this concept is widely recognized and can be applied to other algebraic concepts.

The second speaker, Mohd Azeem, a doctoral student in the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, presented on “Error Correcting Codes and Its Applications in DNA Codes.” Azeem discussed his research on coding theory, particularly error-correcting codes. Coding theory is a branch of mathematics that studies techniques for transforming data into more efficient or secure formats for storage and transmission. With the advancement of information and communication technology, coding theory has become increasingly important in various applications, from data compression to cryptography. He further elaborated on the application of his research to DNA coding.

The event received very positive feedback from participants, both those who attended in person and those who joined via Zoom. The participants appreciated the presentations by the two speakers, considering them highly informative and relevant to the latest developments in mathematics.

With the successful execution of the Algebra Guest Lecture Series #2, the Algebra Laboratory, Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UGM hopes to continue hosting beneficial academic activities that enhance the knowledge and understanding of students and academicians in the field of mathematics. This effort aligns with SDG Goal 4, which focuses on quality education, ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Keywords: Algebra, Coding Theory, Quality Education
Author: Uha Isnaini
Editor: Endang Sulastri 
Photographer: Uha Isnaini