FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi Officially Establish Collaboration to Strengthen Data Security Measures

The increased use of the internet inevitably brings with it unavoidable risks and threats. Data breaches, virtual fraud, piracy, and other digital crimes emerge as collective challenges in the ever-expanding era of internet usage. In response to this, FMIPA UGM and PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi have joined forces in research and innovation to develop a Key Management System (KMS). The announcement of this collaboration took place on Thursday, December 28, 2023, at FMNS UGM. The signing event was attended by the Dean of FMNS UGM and his team, the Cryptography Research Team of FMNS UGM, and representatives from PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi. Additionally, the President and Commissioner of UMG Idealab, Kiwi Aliwarga, and the Director of PT. Sandhiguna Widya Proteksi, Desi Hapsari, participated virtually.

“We at FMNS UGM are committed to supporting this collaboration,” stated Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si. in his speech. The research product developed is a system designed to manage and monitor the use of encryption keys in cryptography. “This product can be considered a pioneer in Indonesia or perhaps in Southeast Asia. For your information, the KMS product has obtained Common Criteria certification (ISO 15408), which is recognized in 31 countries. This means that the KMS product can be used in these 31 countries. As the first of its kind, we face the challenge of ensuring our resources can support this product. It must be acknowledged that finding experts in the field of cryptography is still limited,” explained Ali Antonius, Regional Head of UMG Idealab (Sandhiguna). This research collaboration is a real manifestation of the SDGs values in innovation and partnership, aiming to achieve targets in addressing data security issues and digital crimes.

The Head of the Cryptography Research Team, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si., expressed that this research synergy will develop and strengthen interdisciplinary research, such as in mathematics and computer science. “This research is also an application of existing knowledge to address issues like data security and cybercrime. The main challenge in this collaboration is creating a standardized and robust security system to resist hacking attacks,” said Prof. Indah. There is a great hope that this research will increase awareness of data security and digital literacy among various sectors, including government, society, and other institutions. Ali also shared his hope, saying, “May this collaboration proceed smoothly and successfully. Let’s work together to develop products that will benefit Indonesia, as data security is crucial now and in the future. Also, both parties are expected to mutually benefit from this collaboration.”

Adapted from the FMIPA UGM website: