Gocapan PESEGI: Friday Cycling for Sports, Culinary, and Togetherness in One Activity

The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FMIPA UGM), supports a series of activities focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle among the academic community, especially through cycling together. This is in line with the demands of the modern era, where the importance of maintaining physical and mental health becomes a necessity. Therefore, several members of the academic community of the Department of Mathematics are actively contributing to cycling activities, particularly with the PESEGI community.

The PESEGI Community, established on the initiative of lecturers and alumni of FMIPA UGM, is a cycling community that not only focuses on physical activities but also builds brotherhood and shares knowledge. With a vision to promote a healthy lifestyle and strengthen relationships among members, PESEGI has become one of the active cycling communities in Yogyakarta.

In April, PESEGI conducted several interesting cycling activities. The regular cycling activity held every Friday morning also aims to fill the void of morning exercise activities usually held at FMIPA UGM. One of them was the cycling activity on Friday, April 19, 2024, which took the route towards the center of Yogyakarta city and ended with breakfast at Soto Pak Sholeh Al Barokah in Tegalrejo. Additionally, on Friday, April 26, 2024, the group headed north to Condongcatur Bus Terminal, where they rested while enjoying nasi pecel and rawon at a warung known as the favorite dining place of Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc, the current Secretary of State.

“Activities like this are very important, especially in teaching us all about the importance of togetherness and health. Additionally, through this activity, we can also enjoy the beauty of Yogyakarta city and deepen our gratitude for the environment we have,” said Uha Isnaini, one of the cycling participants.

This activity also becomes an important moment for discussion and knowledge sharing among participants, consisting of lecturers, students, and UGM alumni. The topics of discussion not only revolve around health and sports but also encompass various aspects of social and cultural life.

With these beneficial activities, the PESEGI community hopes to continue promoting a healthy lifestyle among the wider community while strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and togetherness among its members. Additionally, it can contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3, which is Health and Well-being.


Keywords: Cycling, Health, Group Activities

Author: Uha Isnaini

Photographer: Uha Isnaini

Editor: Endang Sulastri