Department of Mathematics Students Win Three Medals at ONMIPA 2024!

Makassar, May 17, 2024 – The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FMIPA UGM), successfully won three medals in the National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Olympiad for Higher Education (ONMIPA PT) 2024. This prestigious competition, organized by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI) of the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), took place from May 12 to 17 in Makassar, with 260 participants from 89 universities across Indonesia.

The UGM mathematics team demonstrated outstanding performance, the names and medal achievements of the UGM mathematics team at ONMIPA 2024:

    1. Ivan Hadinata (Mathematics 2023, Gold)
    2. Muhammad Fatkhurrohman (Mathematics 2021, Silver)
    3. William Kosasih (Mathematics 2020, Silver)
    4. Muhammad Hanif (Mathematics 2023, non-medalist)

Hadrian Andradi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., the coach of the ONMIPA UGM team, expressed his pride in the achievements of the students. “Congratulations to the students and the coaching team for the outstanding achievements and tremendous efforts of the UGM mathematics team. The accumulation of hard work has resulted in world-class achievements, maintaining the gold tradition, and placing the UGM mathematics team at the top position,” said Mr. Hadrian in his speech. In addition, he also gave appreciation to the UGM Directorate of Student Affairs, the UGM ONMIPA Community, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for all the support given.

The achievements in this competition not only reflect the quality of education at UGM but also contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in providing quality education (SDG 4), supporting innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), and strengthening partnerships to achieve higher education goals (SDG 17).

The medal winners will have the opportunity to represent the Indonesian team in the upcoming International Mathematics Competition (IMC). Congratulations on preparing and striving for the series of training and selection at the end of May to early June. Hopefully, they can give their best performance and achieve the best results.

Keywords: ONMIPA 2024, Competition, Mathematics
Author: Sania Rizka Ramadhani