Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc.
Assistant Professor | Staff Handbook
- Office Address : Sekip Utara Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281
- Email: nanang_susyanto@ugm.ac.id
- Link acadstaff: https://acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/nsusyanto
- Link Personal Website: https://nanang.staff.ugm.ac.id/
Dr. Nanang Susyanto is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Head of the Department of Mathematics.
After finishing master in mathematics with topics in analysis, he did a Ph.D. in applied statistics, which was supervised by a professor in statistical theory from University of Amsterdam and experts in biometric recognition from University of Twente, which trained hiss skill in solving problems with suitable theoretical and practical doses. He finished his Ph.D. in 2016 and took a professional M.Act.Sc program at the University of Waterloo in 2019 in order to get a comprehensive knowledge of actuarial science.
The big picture of his research is the problem-based mathematical models supported by statistical methods and machine learning. Some of the areas that he has explored are the phenomenon of the spread of disease, the spread of smoking behavior, queuing, scheduling, and classification models.
As a researcher, he has spirit to widen the applications of mathematics in the real world without forgetting the concept itself. In 2017, he got the European Biometrics Research Award for his new copula-based method for combining biometric recognition systems. Recently, with my student, I published a paper in Vehicle Routing Problem optimization, which was a joint work with one of the unicorn start-up companies in Indonesia. This motivates him to have more collaborations with industries to bring students closer to them.
Research interests
Nanang’s research interest is problem-based mathematical models. In doing his research, he mainly develops 3 aspects: statistical methods, mathematical models, and machine learning. Some focuses from the statistical side are the semiparametric model, estimation, and copula. From the modeling side, he develops some models and investigates their dynamics of them using dynamical system approach. Recently, he starts integrating machine learning with mathematical models.
PhD student
- Dwi Lestari (2020-now) (co-supervision and co-promotor) Topic: Analysis of a Stochastic Differential Equations Model of Hepatitis C in Cellular Level.
- M. Syamsudin Wisnubroto (2021 – now) (co-supervision and co-promotor)
Topic: copula-based classification method.
Master student
- Moh. Mashum Mujur Ihsanjaya (2021 – now) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topics: Covid-19 modelling with vaccinations.
2. Ghiffari Ahnaf Danarwindu (2021 – now) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Effect of Covid-19 modelling with Spatial SEIR model
3. Latifah Hanum (2022 – now) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Brain tumor modelling with anti-angiogenic therapy.
- Lestari, D., Megawati, N.Y., Susyanto, N., and Adi-kusumo, F., (2022). ”Qualitative Behaviour of a Stochastic Hepatitis C Epidemic Model in Cellular Level”, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol.19(2), pp.1515-1535.
- Simarmata, C.M.D., Susyanto, N., Hammadi, I.J., and Rahmaditya C. (2020). ”A mathematical model of smoking behaviour in Indonesia with density-dependent death rate” Open J. Math. Sci., vol. 4, pp.118-125.
- Susyanto, N., Veldhuis, R. N. J., Spreeuwers, L. J., and Klaassen, C. A. J. (2019). ”Semiparametric Likelihood-ratio-based Biometric Score Level Fusion via Parametric Copula”. IET Biometrics, vol. Publications 2 8(4), pp. 277 – 298.
- Klaassen, C. A. and Susyanto, N. (2019). ”Semiparametrically efficient estimation of euclidean parameters under equality constraints”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 201, pp.120 – 132.
- Gunawan, S., Susyanto, N., and Bahar, S. (2019). ”Vehicle Routing Problem with Pick-Up and Deliveries using Genetic Algorithm in Express Delivery Services”. In Proceedings of the 8th SEAMS- UGM 2019 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
He (co-)authored around 11 journal articles and more than 10 refereed contributions to proceedings or book chapters; see also his Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BpRyStgAAAAJ&hl=id) and Scopus (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57191251986) pages for further information.