Nyepuride Together with PESEGI to Yogyakarta International Airpor

Yogyakarta, February 24, 2024 – The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FMIPA UGM), supports activities promoting a healthy lifestyle among the academic community, especially cycling together. This aligns with the demands of the fast-paced modern era; maintaining physical and mental health is a must. Therefore, several academicians in the Department of Mathematics contribute to joint bicycle activities, especially with the PESEGI community.

The PESEGI community, established on the initiative of lecturers and alumni of FMIPA UGM, is a cycling community that focuses on physical activity, builds brotherhood, and shares knowledge. With a vision to encourage a healthy lifestyle and strengthen relationships between members, PESEGI has become one of the most active cycling communities in Yogyakarta.

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, the PESEGI community of cycling enthusiasts held a unique and healthy event. This event was a sporting event and strengthened the bond between participants. With 12 participants, three acting as photographers, this event portrayed a strong spirit of togetherness.

The event was held to invite community members to lead a healthy lifestyle through cycling. Departing from the FMIPA campus at 6 a.m., the event also aimed to introduce the charm of Yogyakarta from a different angle. Through this event, participants were invited to learn more about the importance of cycling for health. In addition, this event can also be a means to promote Yogyakarta’s local tourism through the route.

These two activities demonstrate the strong value of togetherness and align with the SDGs’ principles, especially on Point 3, Health and Wellbeing. These activities support healthy lifestyles and encourage community members to take up cycling, an effective way to maintain physical and mental health. The event also contributes to promoting Yogyakarta’s local tourism through the route, which can support the development of sustainable cities and communities, in line with Point 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. In addition, the cooperation between the Department of Mathematics FMIPA UGM, the PESEGI community, and the academic community and alumni show a partnership that contributes to achieving sustainable development goals, especially Point 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Participants gathered at the FMIPA campus at 6 a.m. and departed 20 minutes later after receiving route directions and prayers together. These two activities demonstrate the strong value of togetherness. The route briefing was very important to ensure all participants understood the path that would be traveled, while the prayer together before leaving symbolized the hope that the journey would go smoothly and safely.

The journey started from FMIPA UGM, then continued south through the Gondolayu Bridge, the edge of the Code River, until it reached Malioboro Street. This route was chosen for its beauty and as a challenge for the participants. After arriving at YIA at 10.30 a.m., participants returned to Yogyakarta using the airport train. This experience was new for many participants and gave a unique impression of the event. The event was open to participation by the mathematics academic community and alumni who encourage a healthy lifestyle. Cycling is considered an effective way to maintain physical and mental health.

Gowes with the PESEGI community is an example of a fun and beneficial activity. Through this activity, participants exercise and learn about cohesiveness, natural beauty, and the importance of maintaining health.


Keywords: Gowes, Community, Tourism, Health

Author: Uha Isnaini

Editor: Endang Sulastri & M. Fahruli

Photographer: PESEGI Team