Community Service (PkM) of the Department of Mathematics Administrative Staff: Utilizing AI in Social Media Development and Google Forms for Public Services in Wanarata Village, Pemalang

On Monday, September 2, 2024, the administrative staff of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, conducted a Community Service (PkM) activity in Wanarata Village, Pemalang. The Wanarata Village PkM team included Prof. Imam Solekhudin, M.Si., Ph.D., Vemmie Nastiti Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc., Sudarmanto, Wira Kurniawan, S.E., Eki Listyorini, S.E., Sukir Widodo, Emiliana Sunaryani Y., and Karyati, A.Md.AP.

This activity aimed to provide training to village officials and the local community on utilizing technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI) in social media development, and using Google Forms to streamline public services.

The event, moderated by Eki Listyorini, S.E., was officially opened by the Head of Wanarata Village, Elok Rakhmawati, S.E., who expressed her appreciation to the Department of Mathematics FMIPA UGM. She hoped that this activity could enhance the community’s capacity to use digital technology in their daily public services.

“One of the pillars of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is Community Service (PkM), which is an essential part of our contribution as academics and administrative staff to the progress of the nation. Through this activity, we not only share the knowledge and skills we possess, but we also strive to make a tangible positive impact on society,” said Sudarmanto, the PkM team leader, during his opening remarks. The event was attended by village officials, and staff from MTS and MIN schools in Wanarata Village, who were enthusiastic about participating in the training.

The first session, “Utilizing AI in Social Media Development,” was delivered by Vemmie Nastiti Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc. In this session, participants were introduced to various AI applications that could enhance the quality of the village’s social media content, such as visual content creation, audience data analysis, and digital marketing strategies. The main goal of this material was to expand the reach of village promotions effectively through digital platforms. This activity aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 9, “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure,” by encouraging the adoption of innovative technology at the local level.

The second session, “Using Google Forms to Streamline Public Services,” was presented by Wira Kurniawan, S.E. Participants were taught how to create and manage online forms using Google Forms for various administrative purposes, such as registrations, citizen satisfaction surveys, and efficient and transparent data collection. The use of Google Forms is expected to improve the quality of public services in the village and facilitate communication between residents and village officials, supporting data-driven decision-making. This activity contributes to SDG No. 16, “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions,” by promoting inclusive institutions and more transparent and accountable public service access.

The event included interactive discussions and hands-on practice. Participants had the opportunity to independently create social media content and digital forms under the guidance of the PkM team. The enthusiasm of the participants was evident from the number of questions asked and their eagerness to continue learning and utilizing technology in their daily lives.

In addition to providing training, this event was also used to promote the study programs of the Department of Mathematics UGM, at both undergraduate (S1), master’s (S2), and doctoral (S3) levels. Through this promotion, it is hoped that the community will become more familiar with the various opportunities for studying mathematics and the tangible contributions of the Department of Mathematics UGM in technology development and public services.

Through this PkM, it is hoped that Wanarata Village will further develop in terms of information management and public services, and become more prepared to face the digital era by optimally utilizing the available technology.


Keywords: Technology Utilization, Digital Public Services, Community Capacity Building

Author: Wira Kurniawan

Editor: Endang Sulastri

Photos: Wanarata Village PkM Team