Community Service: Workshop for Enhancing Competency of High School Mathematics Teachers in Banyumas Regency through Mathematics Olympiad Training

In an effort to enhance the competence and teaching ability of mathematics teachers and as part of the sustainability program of Community Service (PkM) in Banyumas Regency initiated by the Department of Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) since 2017, the PkM Team of the Department of Mathematics – Banyumas 2024, in collaboration with Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, organized a mathematics olympiad training workshop aimed at mathematics teachers who are members of the Mathematics MGMP (Subject Teacher Association) of SMA/MA Banyumas Regency. The workshop, held on October 9, 2024, at SMAN 3 Purwokerto, was attended by 50 high school mathematics teachers who are part of the Mathematics MGMP of SMA/MA Banyumas Regency.

The workshop began with an official opening by the Head of the Branch Office of Region X, Department of Education and Culture, Central Java Province, followed by the main agenda, namely the presentation of mathematics olympiad material by several speakers. The main agenda consisted of five sessions that discussed key topics in the mathematics olympiad, including general introduction, geometry, algebra, combinatorics, and number theory. Each session was led by a speaker—Made Tantrawan, Ph.D., Dr. Iwan Ernanto, Uha Isnaini, Ph.D., Hadrian Andradi, Ph.D., and Dr. Nanang Susyanto—who presented the syllabus, types of problems, and coaching tips for each topic. Each session also included interactive discussions that allowed participants to deepen their understanding of the material and receive useful tips for facing challenges in the mathematics olympiad.

After the main sessions, the workshop concluded with a closing event that included impressions and messages, an official closing by the Principal of SMAN 3 Purwokerto, and information regarding the assignment for participants to create olympiad problems based on the topics learned. Participants were given one week to create problems, including the answers, and submit them via Google Form. In addition to the assignment, participants were asked to fill out an evaluation form through the same Google Form. The evaluation results showed a high level of satisfaction. All participants supported the continuation of the program, with most feeling that this PkM activity was essential to be continued. Some feedback regarding the implementation and topics for future activities was collected, with most participants suggesting that PkM activities be held more frequently and intensively, focusing on one specific OSN (National Science Olympiad) field to allow for deeper discussions.

Overall, the workshop was successfully conducted and had a positive impact on the development of teacher competency. The support and feedback from participants will serve as an important basis for developing similar programs in the future, to continually promote the quality of mathematics education in Indonesia, particularly in Banyumas Regency.

Keywords: Mathematics Olympiad Quality Education, Teacher Training, Teacher Competency

Author: Made Tantrawan

Photographer: Fadhil M Rifqi