Sarasehan and Inauguration of Himpastika Management 2024-2025: A New Spirit for Innovation and Achievement

The Graduate Student Association of Mathematics (HIMPASTIKA) FMIPA Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a Sarasehan and Inauguration event for the 2024-2025 Himpastika management. The event took place on Sunday, June 9, 2024, in Auditorium Room A.106/107, FMIPA UGM, and was attended by various academic community members.

The event began at 7:30 AM with a warm welcome from the Head of the Master of Mathematics Study Program, Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U. In her speech, she emphasized the important role of students in fostering an academic atmosphere and making positive contributions to the development of mathematical sciences in Indonesia.

Muhammad Reza Subakti was elected as the Chairman of Himpastika for the 2024-2025 period. The newly inaugurated management is committed to continuing the programs that have been initiated and developing new innovations for the advancement of Himpastika. The 2024-2025 Himpastika management lineup includes Muhammad Reza Subakti (Chairman), Mawar Idah Shonia (Vice Chairman), Rossa Fitria Halim (Secretary), Astri Ayu Nastiti (Treasurer), and several students in various divisions such as Interests & Talents, Reasoning and Scientific Division, Media and Information, and Human Resource Development.

The event continued with a sarasehan session moderated by Arizka Yuliana, S.Si. This session featured Prof. Dr. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U., Dr. Indarsih, M.Si., Valentino Risali, M.Sc., and Wira Kurniawan, S.E.

In this session, Prof. Dr. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U., and Dr. Indarsih, M.Si. delivered material on “Motivation in Organization and Learning Spirit for Graduate Students”. Valentino Risali shared his experiences during his studies in the Master of Mathematics Study Program at FMIPA UGM and provided practical tips to improve academic performance. Wira Kurniawan, S.E. discussed matters related to academic services and student affairs in the Master of Mathematics Program.

This event is expected to motivate students in organization and learning, and support skill development, which in turn promotes decent work and economic growth in line with SDG 8. With the successful implementation of this event, it is hoped that Himpastika will continue to play an active role in supporting academic and non-academic activities within FMIPA UGM and contribute significantly to the development of mathematical sciences in Indonesia.

Keywords: Sarasehan, Inauguration, HIMPASTIKA
Author: Wira Kurniawan
Editor: Sania Rizka Ramadhani