Socialization of the Diploma Supplement (SKPI) and Student Soft Skill Development through AKSIOMA 2024

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Master’s Program in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UGM, held a socialization event regarding the Diploma Supplement (SKPI) and the development of student soft skills. The event took place in Room 320, Building S2/S3 FMIPA, on the 3rd floor, and was attended by the management of the Master’s Program in Mathematics, program administrators, and students from the 2024 cohort.

The event was opened by the Head of the Master’s Program in Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U., who emphasized the importance of the Diploma Supplement (SKPI) as a companion document to the diploma, providing additional information on the competencies and achievements of students during their studies. “The SKPI will be an added value for graduates when entering the workforce, as it offers a more comprehensive overview of students’ capabilities,” she explained. This statement aligns with SDG 4: Quality Education, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The Diploma Supplement (SKPI) is an official document issued by the university, containing information on the academic achievements or qualifications of higher education graduates. The graduates’ qualifications are described in a descriptive narrative that outlines the learning outcomes achieved, aligned with the relevant level of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), in a standardized format that is easily understood by the general public.

On this occasion, the focus also included a session on soft skill development. The material presented by Dr. Indarsih, M.Si., the Secretary of the Master’s Program in Mathematics, covered the development of communication skills, leadership, and time management, which are expected to help students prepare for challenges in the professional world. This development aligns with SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, which emphasizes the importance of skill development for decent work and inclusive economic growth. She explained that students can enhance their soft skills by participating in university, faculty, department, and study program activities, joining outbound activities organized by the study program, and participating in the Ajang Kenalan dan Silaturahmi Orang Matematika (AKSIOMA) event organized by HIMPASTIKA in September 2024.

The event, which took place from 12:00 to 14:00 WIB, concluded with an interactive question-and-answer session between participants and speakers, where students had the opportunity to delve deeper into the implementation of the SKPI and how to effectively develop soft skills during their studies. This socialization received positive feedback from the participants, who felt increasingly prepared to maximize their potential in facing the workforce.


Keywords: Soft Skill Development, Diploma Supplement (SKPI), Quality Education

Author: Wira Kurniawan

Editor: Endang Sulastri

Photo: Wira Kurniawan