Lecturers’ Satisfaction Survey (November 2024 Edition)

The lecturers’ satisfaction survey was conducted in November 2024. This survey is an updated version of last year’s survey, which was conducted in May, with more comprehensive aspects to better capture lecturers’ satisfaction. The aspects evaluated are:


7. Community Service

2. Administration

8. Development

3. Finance

9. Problem Handling

4. Lab & Technicians

10. Transparency

5. Facilities

11. Leadership

6. Research


All lecturers completed the survey using a unique token, and names were not recorded to provide respondents with more freedom and independence in expressing their opinions. The total number of respondents was 31 out of 41 active lecturers. Respondents were requested to choose a score between 1 and 5 for each aspect, following the Likert scale, where 1 represents the lowest level of satisfaction and 5 represents the highest.

The lecturers’ satisfaction survey results have been analyzed and categorized into four main clusters: Management Leadership, Support from the Department, Infrastructure and Support, and Administration and Financial Matters. The average score for each cluster, based on the Likert scale, is provided in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Lecturers’ Satisfaction

Assessment Report Summary

The first cluster, Management Leadership, includes aspects such as communication, leadership, and problem handling, as presented in Figure 2, with an average score of 4.17. Lecturers are generally satisfied with the leadership provided, particularly in addressing problems. However, there is still room for improvement in proactive communication and ensuring consistency in problem resolution. These improvements will help foster a more transparent and supportive environment.

Figure 2: Management leadership

The second cluster, Support from the Department, encompasses research, community service, and development, as displayed in Figure 3, with an average score of 4.26. This cluster received one of the highest satisfaction scores, indicating a strong commitment by the department to support research initiatives and community involvement. However, expanding opportunities for personal and professional development could further boost satisfaction in this area.

Figure 3: Support from the Department

Infrastructure and Support forms the third cluster, which includes facilities and lab technicians, as shown in Figure 4, with an average score of 4.22. The infrastructure and lab support aspects were well-rated, suggesting that lecturers feel positively about the physical resources provided. However, there is a need for continual enhancements in the maintenance and technological advancement of facilities to sustain high satisfaction levels.

Figure 4: Infrastructure and Support

The fourth cluster, Administration and Financial Matters, consists of administration, finance, and transparency, as presented in Figure 5, and it has the lowest average score of 4.08. This indicates that there are significant concerns regarding administrative efficiency, financial processing, and the transparency of budget allocations. Addressing these areas is crucial to ensure smoother administrative processes and improve overall lecturer satisfaction.

Figure 5: Administration and Financial Matters

Opportunities for Improvement

Cluster 1: Management Leadership (Communication, Leadership, Problem Handling)

To improve satisfaction in this cluster, structured communication channels such as the WhatsApp group should be enhanced. This initiative will help keep lecturers informed about ongoing changes, initiatives, and opportunities.

Cluster 2: Support from the Department (Research, Community Service, Development)

To further strengthen support from the department for research, more intensive discussions in each research group should be encouraged, with measurable targets and outputs. Establishing a mentorship program that pairs junior lecturers with senior faculty members will also help foster professional growth and collaboration.

Cluster 3: Infrastructure and Support (Facilities, Lab & Technicians)

To enhance infrastructure and support, it is important to allocate part of the budget for regular facility upgrades, ensuring they meet current standards. Providing training for lab technicians on new technologies will also help improve their ability to support teaching and research activities. Collecting periodic feedback on facilities from lecturers will help in understanding specific needs and allocating resources accordingly.

Cluster 4: Administration and Financial Matters (Administration, Finance, Transparency)

To improve administrative and financial matters, digitizing administrative processes should be prioritized to reduce paperwork and improve efficiency. Improving financial transparency through quarterly reports on budget allocations and expenditures will also contribute to building trust and clarity.

Monitoring and Evaluation

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed improvements, a follow-up survey will be conducted next year. In the meantime, the management should coordinate with the appointed staff to expedite the implementation of the proposed actions. This ongoing coordination will ensure that improvements are on track and that progress is being made efficiently.