Ronald A. Fisher: Father of Modern Statistics

Ronald Aylmer Fisher was one of the most influential mathematicians and statisticians in history, often referred to as the “Father of Modern Statistics.” Born on February 17, 1890, in London, England, he made extraordinary contributions to the development of statistical theory, which laid the foundation for many data analysis techniques still in use today. Throughout his remarkable career, he introduced several key concepts in statistics, such as Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Maximum Likelihood Estimation, and Experimental Design, all of which play an important role in modern statistics and scientific methodology. ... 


Information Entropy Theory: Measuring Uncertainty in a Connected World

In today’s digital era, we live in a world filled with data. Every second, new information is transmitted, received, and analyzed by devices across the globe. But how do we measure this information? Does all information hold the same value, or is there a way to quantify its worth? This is where the theory of information entropy plays a crucial role. ... 


Robust Statistics Theory: Addressing the Impact of Outliers

Statistics is a discipline that relies on data analysis to produce valid conclusions. However, in practice, the data used often contains outliers that can significantly affect the results of the analysis. Outliers can distort parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, making it essential to manage their impact carefully. Robust statistics theory has emerged as an effort to address and mitigate the effects of outliers on statistical analysis. This article explores robust statistics, particularly in the context of robust estimation in regression and hypothesis testing. ... 


The Neyman-Pearson Theorem: The Foundation of Modern Hypothesis Testing

The Neyman-Pearson theorem serves as a critical foundation in statistical hypothesis testing. Developed by Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson, this theorem provides a framework for making optimal decisions when faced with two hypotheses: the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (H1). Its core aim is to maximize the power of a statistical test while keeping error rates under control. ... 


Multivariate Statistics Theory: Factor Analysis and Clustering

Multivariate statistics is a branch of statistics used to analyze data involving more than one variable. In many real-world applications, data often consist of various interrelated variables. Therefore, multivariate statistical methods are crucial for analyzing the relationships between these variables. Some of the techniques used in multivariate statistics to analyze data involving more than one variable include factor analysis, cluster analysis, and dimension reduction techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This article will explore factor analysis, cluster analysis, and PCA in greater depth, along with their applications in various fields. ... 


UGM’s Team Markisa Wins 2nd Place at the National Statistics Challenge 2024

Malang – Team Markisa from Universitas Gadjah Mada, comprising Elgita Kisti Cahyani and Marta Afifah, secured second place in the prestigious National Statistics Challenge (NSC) 2024 organized by Universitas Brawijaya. This national competition, which began on August 25, 2024, brought together top teams from across Indonesia to compete in data analysis and statistical challenges. ... 


Bootstrap Theory: A Revolutionary Approach in Modern Statistics

Bootstrap theory is one of the most popular statistical methods in modern data analysis. This approach provides a simple yet powerful way to estimate statistical uncertainty or variability using resampling techniques. Bootstrap has become a key tool in research due to its ability to work with small datasets without requiring specific distributional assumptions. ... 


The Butterfly Effect in Mathematics: The Impact of Small Changes in Dynamic Systems

The butterfly effect in mathematics is a concept originating from chaos theory, illustrating how small changes in initial conditions can lead to significant and unexpected impacts in dynamic systems. This idea was first introduced by mathematician Edward Lorenz in 1963 in his seminal work on weather and non-linear systems. The term “butterfly effect” is a metaphorical expression that suggests the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil could potentially trigger a tornado in Texas. While this notion might sound exaggerated, it effectively represents a very real phenomenon in dynamic systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. ... 


Probability Paradoxes: Strange Phenomena that Defy Intuition

Probability paradoxes are fascinating concepts in mathematics that often defy human intuition. While the rules of probability are clear and logical, some situations yield results that seem counterintuitive. This article explores several famous probability paradoxes and explains why the outcomes are what they are. ... 


Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) in Examining Educational Quality Differences in Urban and Rural Areas

Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a statistical method designed to analyze relationships between variables that can vary spatially, or in other words, relationships that depend on geographical location. GWR addresses the limitations of classical regression models, which assume that relationships between variables are constant across the study area. In GWR, the relationship between independent and dependent variables is explored based on geographical location, allowing for the identification of more specific spatial variations in the data. The application of GWR in the field of education is highly relevant for examining differences in educational quality between urban and rural areas, where various social, economic, and infrastructure factors can affect educational outcomes differently in each location. ... 
