Arithmetic module (collaborator : Hidetoshi Marubayashi -Naruto University of Education Japan, Akira Ueda-Shimane University Japan)
Clean module (collaborator : Nikken Prima Puspita, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang)
Algebraic structure in quantum cryptography (collaboration with Nanyang Technology University Singapore, Poltek SSN, Sandhiguna (a computer security company), Department of Computer Science and Instrumentation)
Algebraic graph (collaborator : Ahmad Erfanian, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran)
Generalized power series ring and module (collaborator : Ahmad Faisol, Fitriani, Universitas Lampung)
Radical theory (collaborator : Puguh Wahyu Prasetyo, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan)
Number theory (collaborator : Dr. Toh Pee Choon, NIE-NTU, Singapura dan Hong Nankun, Anhui University, China)