Dr.rer.nat. Ari Suparwanto, M.Si.
Associate Professor | Staff Handbook
- Office Address : Sekip Utara Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281
- Email : ari_suparwanto@ugm.ac.id
- Link acadstaff : acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/ari.suparwanto
Dr.rer.nat. Ari Suparwanto is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Indonesia. He has been joined the Department since 1991 until today. His expertise is in the field of algebra (major) and applied mathematics (minor), particularly in max-plus algebraic system theory and in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory . His undergraduate and master degrees were received from Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Indonesia in 1991 and 1998, respectively. He received scholarship from OeAD Austria (1999-2001) for his doctoral study at the Institute for Mathematics University of Graz Austria and completed her doctoral study in July 2001.
Research interests
His initial research interest was optimal control theory. And recently he explored also max-plus algebraic system theory, particularly in weak reachability and observability systems over interval max-plus algebra.
- Siswanto (2012-2017) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Optimalisasi Norma Jangkauan Vektor Eigen Atas Aljabar Maks-Plus Interval
2. Gregoria Aryanti (2011-2018) (Supervision and Promotor)
Topic: Karakterisasi Penyelesaian Sistem Kesetimbangan Linear Ditinjau Dari Matriks Atas Aljabar Maks-Plus Tersimetri
3. Arman (2011-2018) (Co-supervision and Co-promotor)
Topic: Analisis dan Desain Untuk Masalah Input-Output Grup Decoupling Sistem Deskriptor Linear Regular Indeks Satu
4. Suroto (2016-2022) (Co-supervision and Co-promotor)
Topic: Sistem Kesetimbangan Linier dan Aplikasinya pada Keterjangkauan dan Keteramatan Sistem Linier Diskrit atas Aljabar Max-Plus Tersimetri
5. Vina Fitriana (2017-now) (Co-supervision and Co-promotor)
6. Zaiful Ulum (2019-now) (Co-supervision and Co-promotor)
Master student
- Ramadhan Cahya Nugraha (2017) (Supervision)
Topic: Elemen Idempoten dan Elemen Invers pada ST-Semiring
2. Meryta Febrilian Fatimah (2018) (Supervision)
Topic: Ideal Singular Atas Semiring Ternary
3. Darlena (2018) (Supervision)
Topic: Simetrisasi bentuk Kanonik Jordan
4. Andika Ellena Saufika Hakim Maharani (2018) (Supervision)
Topic: Sistem Persamaan Linear Maks-Plus dan Aplikasinya Untuk Beberapa Sistem Produksi
5. Andro Kurniawan (2020) (Supervision)
Topic: Sistem Persamaan Linear Max-Plus dan Terapannya Pada Sistem Jaringan Kereta Api
6. Fathin Azkiya (2021) (Supervision)
Topic: Solusi Kuat Interval Dari Sistem Interval Persamaan Linear Max-Plus
7. Mira Wadu (2021) (Supervision)
Topic: Solvabilitas Universal Persamaan Matriks Interval Atas Aljabar Max-Plus
Selected Publications
- Sumardi, Imam Solekhudin and Ari Suparwanto, 2019, Capturing Multi-Valued Solutions of Shallow Water Equation by Level Set Method, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciense (FJMS), volume 111 Number 1 page 69-76.
- Ahmat Saiful Latif, Sumardi, Imam Solekhudin and Ari Suparwanto, 2020, Solving Partial Diferential Equation Using LeNNDDY2 Method, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics Vol. 29, Number 3, page 1015-1019.
- Vina Fitriana, Salmah, and Ari Suparwanto, 2022, A Sequentially Updated Distribute Receding Horizon Control Scheme with Application to Irrigation Canal System, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics Vol. 52, Number 1, page 200-206.
He authored and co-authored around 42 articles and a book (see at the following links.)
Scopus Record https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35796578500
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=uc_MpMEAAAAJ&hl=id