Dr. Budi Surodjo, M.Si.
Associate Professor | Staff Handbook
- Office Address : Sekip Utara Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281
- Email : surodjo_b@ugm.ac.id
- Link acadstaff : acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/budisurodjo
Dr. Budi Surodjo, MSi. is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Indonesia. He has been joined the Department since 1991 until today. His expertise is in the field of algebra, particularly fuzzy logic, semigroup theory and generalized power series modules. His undergraduate and Doctor degrees were received from Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Indonesia in 1990 and 2006, respectively. He got his master degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1995.
Research interests
Current research interests include generalized power series modules, monoid with indexed matrices, generalized basis, and the topological structure of generalized power series rings. Present focus is on injectivity of topological module and generalized power series of max plus algebra and their applications.
Graduated Doctoral Students in Latest Five Years :
- Gregoria Aryanti (2011-2018) (Co-promotor)
Topic: Karakterisasi Penyelesaian Sistem Kesetimbangan Linear Ditinjau Dari Matriks Atas Aljabar Maks-Plus Tersimetri
2. Ahmad Faisol (2015-2019) (Co-promotor)
Topic: T[[S]]-Noetherian of Generalized Power Series Modules
3. Fitriani (2015-2019) (Co-promotor)
Topic : U-Free Modules (Modul U-Bebas)
4. Nikken Prima Puspita (2017-2021) (Promotor)
Topic : Clean Comodules and Clean Coalgebras
PhD Student :
- Yunita Septriana Anwar (2020-Now) (Co-promotor)
Topic : Topological M-Injective Module (Modul M-Injektif Topologis)
2. Dian Ariesta Yuwaningsih (2021-Now ) (Co-promotor)
Topic : Dualization of Clean Modules (Dualisasi Modul Bersih)
Master student
- Widya Rizky Fadhilla (2021-Now) (Supervision)
- Rizka ’Abid Fadhilah (2021-Now) (Supervision)
Topic: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Subgroups with Respect to t-Norm ans s-Norm
- Puspita, N.P., Wijayanti., I.E., Surodjo, B, 2022, Continuous Comodules, arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.03220
- Puspita, N.P., Wijayanti, I.E., Surodjo, B., 2021, Clean coalgebras and clean comodules of finitely generated projective modules, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Vol. 31 (2), 251–260.
- Fitriani, Wijayanti, I.E., Surodjo, B., Wahyuni, S., Faisol, A., 2021, Category of Submodules of a Uniserial Module, Mathematics and Statistics Vol 9(5), 744-748.
- Fitriani, Wijayanti, I.E., Surodjo, B., Faisol, A., 2021, The Rank of U_V-Generated Modules, Mathematics Research Vol 13(4), 81-84
- Faisol, A., Surodjo, B., Wahyuni, S., 2019, The Sufficient Conditions for R[X]-module M[X] to be S[X]-Noetherian, European Journal of Mathematical Sciences Vol 5(1), 1-13
- Ariyanti, G., Suparwanto, A., Surodjo, B., 2018, A Note on Linearly Independence over the Symmetrized Max-Plus Algebra, International Journal of Algebra Vol 12(6), 247-255
He co-authored around 20 journal articles (see at the following links)
Scopus Record https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56386076000
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=BDQoaPkAAAAJ