Demomatika 3: Exploring the Depths of Queueing Theory

The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), successfully hosted the third series of Demomatika, featuring two distinguished speakers in the field of Queueing Theory: Prof. Karl Sigman from Columbia University and Prof. Richard Boucherie from the University of Twente. The event took place in Meeting Room 1, Floor 3, Department of Mathematics UGM, on February 28, 2024.

The opening session featured a presentation by Prof. Karl Sigman on ‘On an Adaptive-Quasi-Deterministic Transmission Policy Queueing Model’, where he provided key theoretical insights along with case studies to deepen participants’ understanding of the practical application of the theory presented. Rosita Kusumawati, M.Sc., served as the moderator, facilitating a discussion session between Prof. Sigman and the attendees, both in-person and online.

The second session was led by Prof. Richard Boucherie, who shared insights from his research titled ‘On the Cycle Maximum of Birth-Death Processes and Networks of Queues’, published in May 2022. He encouraged questions from participants throughout the session, allowing for an interactive and in-depth discussion.

The presentations from both speakers offered valuable insights, particularly in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 9, which relates to enhancing productivity and efficiency across various sectors. Demomatika Series 3 represents a significant step in promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of mathematics, specifically Queueing Theory, which has wide applications in optimizing processes and systems.


Keywords: Demomatika, Mathematics, Queueing Theory
Author : Sania Rizka Ramadhani
Editor : Mohamad Fahruli Wahyujati
Photographer : Eros Fajar Novianto