Demomatika 7 Feb 2024: Graph Theory in Theoretical and Practical Science

The Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), recently hosted an event called Demomatics Series 2, featuring two distinguished speakers from both the academic and practical fields: Rizal Fathony, Ph.D., a Lead Data Scientist at Grab, and Dr.rer.nat. Yeni Susanti, M.Sc., a faculty member at UGM’s Mathematics Department. The event took place in Meeting Room 1 on the third floor of the Department of Mathematics UGM on February 7, 2024.

Rizal Fathony, Ph.D., kicked off the event with a presentation on “Machine Learning on Graphs,” providing an overview of graph theory and its integration with machine learning techniques. His talk included various case studies highlighting the use of algorithms for detecting anomalies and preventing fraud within applications. The session attracted a total of 73 participants, with 30 attending in person and 43 joining online, and concluded with a lively interactive discussion.

Following this, Dr.rer.nat. Yeni Susanti, M.Sc., took the stage to discuss her paper, “On The 2-Token Graphs of Disjoint Union of Graphs,” which was published in the Malaysian Journal in December 2023. This session offered attendees the chance to engage directly with the speaker, leading to a productive exchange of ideas and suggestions for future research.

Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Sc., M.Sc., M.Act.Sc., the head of UGM’s Mathematics Department, expressed his hope that Demomatics would serve as a platform for fostering communication among students, educators, and industry professionals, thereby aligning educational outcomes with industry demands. He announced the department’s next event, featuring Professor Karl Sigmann from Columbia University, scheduled for March 6. Hence, the Department of Mathematics is poised to play a crucial role in supporting Sustainable Development Goal 9, especially by fostering innovative approaches that propel sustainable progress, with a specific focus on the field of industrial technology. By regularly organizing Demomatics events, the Department of Mathematics is set to contribute significantly to Sustainable Development Goal 9 by promoting innovative methods that drive sustainable advancement, particularly within the realm of industrial technology.


Keywords: Demomatika, Student, Research

Author: Sania Rizka Ramadhani

Editor: Mohamad Fahruli Wahyujati

Photographer: Christina Agustin Raphonhita Simbolon