“Graphing New Beginning” – Embarking on the Journey of New Undergraduate Students in UGM’s Department of Mathematics

Yogyakarta (10/18/2023) — The Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), organized a special welcome event for new undergraduate students entitled “Graphing New Beginning.” The event, which took place in the 7th-floor Auditorium of UGM’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, was designed to extend congratulations to the new undergraduate students in the Department of Mathematics. These students include those enrolled in the Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Science programs.

The event began with remarks from Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc. as the Head of the Department of Mathematics FMIPA UGM. He spoke about the importance of mathematics in understanding the world and how this science opens doors of opportunity in various fields. The new students were encouraged to embark on their learning journey and utilize the resources provided by the department.

The activities commenced with a talk show that brought the new students together with the chair of the study program, student association leaders, and high-achieving students from each program. During this session, the students gained insights into coursework, academic activities, student activities, and how the department supports all activities that enhance students’ development of both hard and soft skills. The program heads also provided valuable advice on successfully navigating their academic journey as students.

One of the highlights of this welcoming event was the “Alumni Sharing” session. Muhammad Zuhri Arifin, S.Si., a Mathematics Study Program Alumni and Senior Associate Financial Risk at Big 4, who has stepped out into the world of work and research, shared his experiences during his undergraduate studies in the department. Zuhri highlighted how their education during college has equipped him with critical skills, a deep understanding of mathematics, and the ability to think creatively. This provided a valuable insight into the opportunities that exist after completing an undergraduate program.

With great enthusiasm and a strong thirst for knowledge, new undergraduate students in the Department of Mathematics at UGM are prepared to embark on their academic journey. “Graphing New Beginning” is expected to create a strong bond among new students, lecturers, and alumni and will serve as a solid foundation for their academic development.

This welcome event is evidence of the Department of Mathematics at UGM’s commitment to providing quality education and valuable experiences for new students, and to assisting them in achieving academic and professional success in the future.


Author: Endang Sulastri