The world continues to develop with technological advances, from increased internet users to the growing need for data processing. Recognizing the significance of data analytics skills in the digital era, the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, held a Teaching Practitioner class on Machine Learning on Saturday (15/2), with the theme “Problem Solving with Machine Learning.”
This activity took place offline in Lecture Room 102 FMIPA UGM and was attended by undergraduate students of Statistics and Mathematics, as well as postgraduate Mathematics students. This class featured Febriandi Rahmatulloh, a 2002 UGM Statistics alumnus who currently serves as the Director of Astra Digital International, as the main speaker. He was accompanied by Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., and Mr. Danang Teguh Qoyyimi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., lecturers of the Machine Learning course.
There were three main sessions in this class. The first session covered the basic concepts of Machine Learning and commonly used algorithms in the industry. The second session explored real case studies, including how data is processed to build predictive models that support decision-making. The last session was a Problem Framing Workshop where students worked in groups to develop a Machine Learning-based solution strategy. The discussion results were presented as initial sketches that would be developed into a 14-week project. Practitioners provided feedback and additional insights to deepen students’ understanding of project management in Machine Learning implementation.
The class, which took place from 08:30 to 11:00 WIB, ran smoothly with great enthusiasm from the students. One of the participants, Tiara Fatihah Kusumaningtyas, shared her impression: “This class was exciting and provided new insights into the application of Machine Learning in the industry. The material was insightful, and the speakers were very professional and interactive with students.”
Through this activity, students gained theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in developing Machine Learning-based solutions. Interaction with industry practitioners provided real insight into the challenges and opportunities in the professional world. Interactive discussions and the active involvement of participants further strengthened students’ readiness to enter the industry, especially in the field of Machine Learning.
Keywords: Practitioner Class, Data Processing, Machine Learning
Author: Iin Nauli Rahmawati
Photographer: Fathan Rasyid Rahmadhan