On Saturday, December 17, 2022, the Mathematics Department of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held an Open House for the Graduate Programmes in Mathematics. The event entitled “Homath” (House of Mathematics) was held through the Zoom Meeting platform and was attended by several participants from various backgrounds and regions in Indonesia. This activity is intended to introduce the profile and lecture system of the Masters (S2) and Doctoral (S3) Programme in Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

The main session of Homath was delivered by Prof. Dr. Christiana Rini Indrati, M.Sc. as the Head of Doctoral Programme in Mathematics; Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U. as the Head of Master Programme in Mathematics; Dwi Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc. and Kariyam, S.Si., M.Sc. as Doctoral Mathematics Students; and Agista Surya Bawana, S.Si. and Hilmi Firmansyah, S.Si. as Master Mathematics Students.

The Open House event started at 9.00 a.m. guided by a lecturer from the UGM Mathematics Department, Made Benny Prasetya Wiranata, S.Si. M.Sc. Head of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., delivered the opening remarks. He hoped that this event could serve more detailed reference regarding the Graduate Programmes of Mathematics, especially the admission of new students in the even semester of 2022/2023.

The first session was an introduction to the Master Programme in Mathematics at Universitas Gadjah Mada by Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U. Currently, the Master Programme in Mathematics has been accredited “Excellent” by the Badan Akreditas Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT). The Master Programme in Mathematics has a vision “In 2037 to become a Master Programme in Mathematics that is outstanding nationally and can compete internationally, both in theory and application, to actualize social welfare.” On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U. conveyed the objectives, graduate profiles, and curriculum structure of the Master Programme in Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada. In addition, she also conveyed the areas of interest available at the Master Programme in Mathematics: analysis, algebra and combinatorics, applied mathematics and computation, and also statistics and data science.

The event was continued with an introduction to the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics by Prof. Dr. Christiana Rini Indrati, M.Sc. Just like the Master Programme, the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada is also accredited “Excellent” by BAN-PT. This Study Program has a vision “In 2037 to become a programme that is adaptive to the development of mathematical research, strong in theory, innovative in terms of application, outstanding nationally, and able to compete internationally.” The Doctoral Programme in Mathematics has areas of interest in Algebra, Analysis, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics.

The first session of the Open House was closed by conveying the procedures and requirements for registering for the Graduate Programmes in Mathematics. Information regarding the selection of new students for the Master Programme in Mathematics can be seen here. On the other hand, information regarding the selection of new students for the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics can be seen here. Starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, the Master Programme in Mathematics opens registration for new students in the second semester of the regular and by research to accommodate the LPDP and BPI scholarship programs. Further information regarding the second semester’s registration can be seen here.

After the material presentation, a panel discussion and Q&A session were held with the Students of Graduate Programmes in Mathematics. In this session, students talked about their experience when registering for the Graduate Programmes in Mathematics and applying for scholarships. In addition, they also shared their research experiences while studying at the Graduate Programmes in Mathematics and the various supporting facilities they received when conducting research.

This event was officially closed at 11.00 a.m. With this Open House, it is hoped that it can introduce the ins and outs of the Graduate Programmes in Mathematics to the public. In addition, as a medium to deliver information on new student admissions for the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The re-recording of this event can be watched on YouTube MathUGM.


Author: Alifenda Irodatu Juniorusis