At the end of July, exactly on Saturday, July 22, 2017, as many as 12 lecturers of Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics and Undergraduate Programme in Physics of FMNS UGM perform Community Service activity in Banyuwangi. The event is packaged in the form of exposure and discussion was held thanks to the support of MGMP High School Mathematics Branch Office of Education District Banyuwangi. The targets of these activities are high school mathematics teachers and high school students. As the host, SMA Negeri Glagah 1 packed the event with quite interesting. The discussion sessions with Mathematics teachers throughout the district of Banyuwangi are facilitated by the arrangement of the group table chairs. According to Banyuwangi District Education Office Branch, the teachers who come from all corners of the district, even from a place far enough from the location of activities. The principal of SMA Negeri Glagah 1 hopes this activity can be followed up either by lecturers and teachers. After the event with the teachers, parallel lecturers partially enter the 3 parallel classes to give exposure to the students of class XII. The event in this class was quite lively because the students enthusiastically followed the exposure of the lecturers. Some students are lucky enough to be able to get the parcels distributed after answering the questions. The activity ends with a photo together and hopes for many benefits that can be taken by both parties. (IEW) ...